Your Obsession with politics is ruining your life.

With so much going around the world and the Indian political scenario, staying aloof from politics in all probability is next to impossible. No human life is untouched from politics, it directly affects everyone’s life. This raises two questions,

  • Should you stay informed? yes you should
  • Should you exercise your electoral franchise and fulfil your civic duty? Without an Iota of doubt yes you should.

But is being informed and being obsessed same? No it is not.

I regularly try to impress on people that you should stay away from news. At times I do break the same rule.

However do keep in mind that to be informed what is going on around you do not need to be hooked on to the Idiot box for hours together. You can go thru your twitter account and be informed of the latest development around the global may be in a matter of few minutes. Yes there will be a drawback; you are not going to be aware of the minute details of the incident. Being unaware of the details will of course not make a remarkable difference to your life rather it will only be good for your peaceful existence.

The true cause of this is because the fourth pillar of democracy the media is not performing its fundamental duties honestly. The news and media does not set the narrative by choosing what to cover only. They also set the same by refusing to cover also.

They distort facts by omission.

Remember the fourth pillar of democracy has also got to pay the employees working for them and also  keep their financial and other stake holders happy.

You take the news fed to you at its face value as your capabilities of logical thinking has been paralysed.

I have seen people screaming on the top of their voice to prove  a point and they actually cannot tolerate any disagreement to their view on the subject. It seems that certain people anchoring TV Shows are not only stressed infinitely they want to give the same stress they are blessed with to others.

But my learned friend, I am not very sure whether I am addressing them properly nor am i sure if I am diminishing the importance of the word learned or not, stress induced death has the highest mortality rates in all probability across the global and political disagreement is ought to be one of the most important one.

Remember the caste and religious polarisation we see around in politics in India is actually not different from anywhere else in the world. The nomenclature in every country may be different.

It has reached such a point as the leaders of the respective country will always be playing the tunes of unity but behind the scenes will create all the situations which are important to keep you divided. This is because it serves their purpose.

You are so obsessed with politics that you see the person on the other side of the fence as sub-human and in turn you lose your humanity. The obsession for politics is so much infused in our life that a normal and rational individual is turning out to become a hate filled individual. The outcome as we face is because we have lost our capability to view political disagreements in its true spirits.

Do remember no political party in the Indian Political theatre want you to be informed and focussed. They want you to be distracted as it serves their purpose. So if you desire not to lose your humanity , sense of reality say away from politics.

For effective use of the precious little possession you have called time, you desire to consume your energy in productive things and retain your sanity do stay away from political obsession.

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