The Three W’s of your life.

We all want to achieve a lot in our life, but more often then not we drift directionless like a dry leaf floats in strong air and is carried away by the air. The reason being we do not know the 3 W’s of our life.

One of these day’s I met an old school mate at one of the social gathering we were at, it seemed that he was not totally satisfied the way he was leading his life and wanted to improve. He like most of the people was affected by the attraction of distraction and he himself said that his primary problem was not being able to remain focussed.

Seeing an old school mate in a not so satisfying situation I thought it would be worth spending some time with him if it can bring any change for betterment in him.

This is when I told him “look dear can you spare 15 minutes of your life every day first thing in the morning. This will help you in developing very important foundational habits which are important for your betterment.”

I asked him if he will be able to spare this 15 minutes first thing in the morning. He readily agreed and asked what he needs to do.

1st thing you need to set aside 15 minutes every morning.

2nd you need to do a read self help cards draft of which we mail you, so send a mail to us at with the subject “ self help cards.” You need to read it loud to your self while looking in the mirror. You are already gifted with the qualities which are needed for success like Discipline, honesty, integrity and some 30 others. You just need to realize and claim them to improve yourself. This would need around three minutes a day.

3rd you need to review your 4 most important goals and plan and prioritize your day. You reconfirm on the priorities of the day and move closer to the life you want,

By doing this exercise you will find the 3 W’s of your life and gradually move closer everyday to the life of your choice.

My friend of mine shared with me that I know myself dear and I know very well that I will do it for, may be 3 to 4 days and then will come back to my routine of lazy craving and late night TV watching and so on.

While I was astonished that how can who is at a total dismay of life be so irresponsible. Then I realised this is the condition of the most of the people around us.

I proposed to him “dear, what is the bank balance you have today.” He said it was around a few lakhs. I said fine you right me a cheque for Rs. 50,000.00 and I will keep it with me. Every day once you get up in the morning you need to text me over messaging apps the video of your reading out the self help card, the review and planning you do for the day.

If you send me this for 66 days without any break I will return you your cheque, else I will bank it. What do you think you will be able to do it now. He readily agreed.

On further probing I found that it was his fear of Loss which will force him to do it.

Generally we are those safe drivers who would seldom change the lanes while driving, they change the lanes only either when they want to avoid any accident or they meet with an accident. It is being stuck in the comfort zone and not feeling the pain we continue in the lane of mediocrity.

We make a budget when we are stuck by a financial crisis.

We swear to lead a regular and systematic life when some disease strikes us.

It does not need to be so. We all need what my friend was missing. We need have a clearly defined Why. A goal so big that it attracts us, like a magnet and compels us.

There is no point in always living in a survival mode, survival mode is when you donot know who you are and you donot know the person you want to become. You just want to live for another days and pay your bills.

If you have not set a goal still we will help you find your why, set your goal and also help you achieve it. Do not worry you are at the right place and we shall help you to achieve the life of your choice.

For a limited period we are providing a free service to a select few and would encourage that you send us a mail so that we can move forward to gift yu the life of your choice.

About the author

Hi I am Arun Surana , after a fairly successful business life and facing a lot of turmoils in life, I am currently working in an organisation and as an hobby I help people optimize their lives and achieve the goals of their life. I am reachable at You can also register at our website to get regular update on such interesting posts.

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