The possibility of “your life being on course to its destination” the answer to this question, chances are in nine out of ten cases is a big no.
The next big question will be how to figure it out?
What is your destination?
Before you conclude whether you are on course or not, knowing your destination is very important. Say your destination is to become a Doctor you cannot be taking admission to a Engineering college. What you need to do is figure out the destination. The next step would be to make out the steps you need to reach the destination. It could be Like Appear for the medical entrance examination, score AAA score to get the rank required to be admitted to ABC Medical College which is the best.
Is it on course?
Now you need to figure out at regular intervals if you are on the course. Rough weather will keep on creating hurdles to take you off course. A strong determination and an ambition to reach the destination is what will make it easier for you to be on course.
Rough weather can be anything comment of your near and dear ones. The effects of your surrounding. You need to ignore them and steer your plane through this rough weather to its destination.
Having bigger than means desires and ambitions bigger than your size is never a crime. People make it look like this. While delving in to the reason why they behave in such a manner is not our purpose. You can just keep in mind that probability is they also wanted it but failed.
So keep a deep breath and ignore and steer forward.
While it sounds very awkward to go against the advice and wishes of your near and dear ones. Would Vasco Da Gama and discovered India if he followed what his near and dear ones . Would Columbus have discovered the Americas if he did what his family wanted of him.
Reading about the life of famous and not so people achieving something is what will take you forward. One good link in this path would be you can read it regularly to keep your self motivated. This website also publishes regular content to keep you up on course to your destination.
About The Author And His Mission.
While I am concluding this part of the post with a request to all readers that if you find this post useful share it with at least 3 of your friends. In the event that you do not like it do share what you have not liked so that I can improve. Through this blog i.e. intend to help a million lives to elevate from average to History Makers. I am sure that we all are blessed with the talents. It is just that we are not directing our efforts in the right directions.
Very well said. Keep it up