Give The Real Hero Within You A Chance To Shine

Somewhere in the back of our mind everyone of us is aware that we have a super hero within us. It is really sad that these days we don’t want to give the real hero within us a chance to shine. What does it take to make the real hero within us shine? You need to give the real hero within you a chance to shine.

Remember if being world class was easy everyone would be there.

Before sharing how you can make the real hero in you shine it is important that you acknowledge that we cannot achieve greatness without being willing to pay the price of that greatness.

You cannot wish to have a bounty of success refusing to do the work it needs or take the risks or endure the trials success demands.

You can make the hero within you shine by doing a course correction of the way you lead your life currently. 

  • Start by exercising your genius.
  • Stop blaming others for what’s not working in your life.

What separates the super performers with amateurs is the super performers are less about complaining and more about rolling on the highs and the lows of their adventure. They are aware complaining is just powerlessness made verbal and excuses are fears believed to be real

  • Do not make excuses if the magic in your life is no longer there.

Excuse making and complaining is nothing more than ego’s tricky way of preventing the best part of you from revealing its greatness to work.

  • Stop begging to forces outside of you to help make your dreams come true.

When everything is in order and as per plan’s the super performers are inspired, focussed, productive and steadfast. When the universe creates smaller or larger hurdles they embrace the mess , keep doing their best and understand that the challenges can work as fertiliser in the soil for the supreme art.

To derive fantastic results you need to do the necessary work to materialize your supremacy in a perfect calibration with the gifts you have been blessed with and apply your strengths.

As you start practicing this daily the measure of your finest self grows and starts realizing your amazingness. Your Confidence improves.

  • Stop worrying about things you cannot control.
  • Write a daily Not to do list
  • Don’t say yes to activities which you don’t want to do.
  • Exercise first thing in the morning.
  • Don’t read Newspaper
  • Unplug your TV
  • Remove the dream stealers from your life. Avoid people who make you feel bad.
  • The performer who practices the most win , So study your craft at least one hour a day.
  • See the gifts within others and polish the ones within yourself.

You need to beat your fears, remove your weaknesses and glorify your genius to be a super performer.

Super performers make their visionary dreams come true , irrespective of the past hurts and current constraints.

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