All throughout our lives we have been programmed to lead an average life. It is the right time of our lives to come forward and “Lets Rebel Against Average” .
It may sound out of sync with the surroundings you are to utter such a word as rebel. But the choice rests with us if we want to remain as we are or we want to taste success.
Why the Average Mindset ?
Have you ever observed that your near and dear ones always compare you with your surroundings but never with real heroes of the country or the world. Very seldom will you find any one comparing you with the likes of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam or the likes of Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk. We will have a lot of Indian contemporary Fellow Indian’s Like Sachin Bansal , Binny Bansal, Falguni Nayar and so on and so forth.
The primary reason for this is that from our acquaintances and we ourselves have been programmed not to aim high is out of our Comfort Zone.
Remember everyone likes to be a follower and no one wants to lead. It is our herd mindset which holds us back.
We are programmed to accept the average when we have talents and greatness to leverage. So let us move away from the average mindset and plan to deliver our true potential.
We allow our past to hurt us and restrict ourselves. Whereas we should commit ourselves to, use the sting to purify ourselves.
We try to find an escape route from majestic productivity by becoming busy.
The Solution
You must be asking yourself now what needs to be done to give a monomaniacal performance by using the optimum of all the talents you have been blessed with. You want to transform yourself.
Well this can be done in three easy steps.
The first one is you set your goals. It is preferred you set small achievable goals for a smaller period so that when you reach those destinations it elevates your motivation.
The second is do not be affected by what society says about you. Remember the society reacts when you are trying to do something differently so there is no need to be affected by them.
Thirdly, have a laser-like focus on what you want to achieve , have a plan in place and stick to the plan.
Never have a plan B as most people will try to tell you. Having a plan B is an excuse to justify failure. Remember Napoleon Bonaparte he once had his troops burn their own ships as they entered a new battle. He was said to have told his men that if they were to ever return home, they would have to go back in the enemy’s ships. They Came out victorious.
Remember every human on this planet is blessed with some Talent. It is only he who can discover them and use them to leverage the greatness which he harbours.
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[…] to some serious work in my one of the past post, I have tried to put efforts to help you overcome the average […]