Time management is one of the most difficult as well the easiest task at the same time.
It’s difficult because we do not prioritise our work and schedule. It’s easiest because if we define our priority then we have ample time for everything we want to do.
If you ask me personally in spite of all my professional, as well as personal commitments, do I watch the latest blockbuster movies my answer is yes but if you ask when then in all probability I will say don’t know? Similarly, do I watch that news channel my answer would be the same? However, If you ask me that when I write my blogs or when I do My study My answer to the first question will be It fixed evening 9 PM to 11 PM and for the second question the answer would be morning 6.15 AM to 7.45 AM and also while I am commuting between my home and work both ways.
To understand the concept of Time Management you need to imagine there is an empty Glass Tank.
Now I place a few fist-sized rocks into it. Next, I put Pebbles into It. The Pebbles Occupy the place between the fist-sized rocks. Next, I can put some sand that will occupy the space between the fist-sized rocks and pebbles. Now I will also have the space to fill the remainder of the tank with water.
Now Let me take a second empty glass tank and fill it with water. Now if I want to place a few Fist Sized rock, or Pebbles or sand water will spill out.
This is how time management works. If you fill up your time with unwanted activities you will be left with no room for your priorities.
If you want to make your day fruitful and want to optimise your output day in and day out prioritising your activities is very important.
The creator has created and gifted all of us equal it is only how we use our gifts and skills that make the difference.
You have a choice to make either use your resources wisely or waste the opportunity.
You can watch the mega serials on TV for hours together and then be left with no time for those crucial life-changing activities or you can fulfil your priority and then use the remainder of the time for your non-crucial activities. The onus and the choice are on you.
The best way to achieve the maximum out of the 86400 seconds you have available to you is by consuming the time available to you in activities that will give you the tangible result. We have to be more productive instead of being busier.
You can be busy watching the mega TV serials or gossiping with your friends and add minimal value to your productivity graph and still be immensely busy. The choice is on you.
You can spend the time resource unwisely to make others richer with the time you spend on fruitless activities.
You can else choose your time wisely to spent your time on activities that help you add value to your life or help you improve.
About The Author
I am Arun Surana, I am a personal Performance Optimization Coach I help individuals to perform to the maximum of their potential.