3 Must-Read Books During these Challenging Times

Books have been the best friend a human can have throughout his life, Cicero had said: “A room without books is like a body without a soul.”.

During these challenging times when every one is talking of the challenges and the short coming, the best way to over come it and to use your time in a meaningful way is reading books . The three books i recommend for reading during these times are

Think And Grow Rich A gem of a book By Napoleon Hill, a must-have for every book reader who loves to move ahead in his life. This is one book which can change your life. As a matter of fact, I bought this book a couple of years back and till now have read it thru for more than a few times. The best part is every time you read it you discover some new aspect. Written almost a century earlier this book has till date sold more than 100 million copies. Written during the times of the Great Depression of 1929 by studying 500 of the most successful people of that time or rather who is who of the American trade and industry.

The book spells out the 13 principles of success relevant in every sphere of life . The relevance of the book is not lost till now neither will it be lost at any point of time.

The book can be best defined as a handbook of success and should be read by every individual. The principles of success spelt out in the books are the most important and are sadly not the part of our education system.

It is one of the best friends you can have during such time. Yes, it will be difficult to implement but then there is no free lunch. Everything comes at a cost and the cost for success is moving out of your comfort zone.

The Secret A great book was written by Rhonda Bryne about the Law of attraction, while there is no scientific evidence to prove the authenticity of the Law of Attraction. The Law, as well as the book, seem to be a practical approach to life as it basically makes our thinking process responsible for our current state of affairs. The importance of Sub Conscious mind, how to program it.

It would be a relevant reference that most of the books on Self Improvement or Self-motivation have one thing in common i.e. they all have a subconscious mind at the centre of individual improvement. While I also subscribe to it and follow it very carefully.

A very empowering book which encourages visualization and boosts motivation, however, it may conflict with religious beliefs and may promote unwarranted blames.

The book in a nutshell wants you to focus positively on your goals and wants you to takeaway your  mind from the shortcomings you have in your life.

Over 30 Million copies of the book have been sold since it was first published in 2006. The book has been translated into 50 languages till the last count. Prior to the release of the book Rhonda had released a movie by the same name.

Over all a book which helps you to concentrate on your strengths rather than on your weakness.

The 4 Hour Work Week By Tim Ferris

A self-improvement book targeted towards the Self Employed and working professionals it will seem to be a book full of weird suggestions. But the book like any other motivational book will bear fruits only if you give it a thorough reading and then gradually start implementing what you learn.

By reading the book what you will basically learn is the importance of Delegating, Eliminating the non-productive jobs, Automating whatever can be automated in your business or Job and then liberating yourself from the chuckles of unproductivity.

The book makes you understand how to be more effective in your work as the book says never go in front of your computer or arrive at your office with a clear list of your priorities.

One of the best lines I like in the book is the way the email autoresponder is set “Thank you for understanding this move to more efficiency and effectiveness. It helps me accomplish more to serve you more.”

You will find a lot of similar suggestions in the book for the improvement of your time utilization.

At times you will find a lot of relevance as to what on the earth makes someone decide that working for Eight Hours a Day that too between a set time frame will give the best productivity.

Secondly, I am sure that if everyone gives his 100 % effectiveness then possibly more than half of the people employed will find themselves out of the job.

We can all spend hours together in front of the TV or with some newspaper or news magazine but will it actually add any value to your life except possibly some inputs on general knowledge which is of no or zero relevance. Instead, if we add some real knowledge in personal development or to sharpen our skills it will get us a lot more returns.

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